Research & Analysis
The Institute undertakes interdisciplinary research and analysis grounded in theoretical, analytical, and methodological rigor of social and policy sciences. The focus rests on contemporary challenges facing Pakistan within the scope of three streams of the institute i.e. governance and law, economy and management, and development and social change. Within these broad fields, the Institute concentrates on selected but significant issues in social services, international trade, climate change, energy, access to justice, decentralization and access to information and transparency with a multidisciplinary approach. The research is undertaken and disseminated with a view to support evidence-driven planning, policymaking and development based on critical understanding of social, political and economic problems and alternative policy options to solve these problems. Our core team brings intensive experience in quantitative and qualitative research techniques and up-to-date knowledge in a variety of sectors.
Eighteenth Amendment: Federal and Provincial Roles and Responsibilities in Education
This study provides a context to the challenges and opportunities that have emerged for education sector in the backdrop of 18th constitutional amendment and delineates the new roles of federal and provincial governments.
The study is based upon a review of relevant literature on education governance in different federations as well as an exhaustive examination of the revised constitutional framework and the ensuing changes at federal and provincial level.
Public Financing of Education in Pakistan: Analysis of Federal and Provincial Budgets (2010)
This study is a continuation of education finance analysis conducted in 2009 with additional analysis of federal and provincial budgets for 2010-11.
This study is second in a series which has been designed to monitor and analyze education expenditure by taking a process oriented approach. The objective is to generate evidence on new and recurrent budgetary issues by analyzing public expenditure on regular basis. It compares the education budget for 2010-11 with the budgets for three previous years to highlight new changes and recurring patterns. The purpose is to provide independent evidence grounded in budgetary data for broadening the debate on public expenditure in education sector to cover issues related to the effectiveness of allocated resources.
Rapid Sector Review: Higher Education Department, Government of Punjab for MTBF 2010-13
The study is aimed at providing rapid sector review of the Higher Education Department Government of the Punjab for the Medium Term Budgetary Framework FY 2010-13.
The review addressed the challenges faced by the Higher Education Sector in Punjab and presented a set of recommendations to augment the linkages between policy objectives, budget formulation and expenditure patterns of Higher Education for MTBF 2010-13.
Eighteenth Constitutional Amendment: Challenges and Opportunities for Education Sector
In the aftermath of the Eighteenth Constitutional Amendment the study is meant to generate an informed debate on the challenges and opportunities emerging as a result of the enactment.
The study offers different scenarios on multiple issues that are being debated and presents the pros and cons of these scenarios with a view to offer a menu of choices for the policy makers at federal and provincial levels.
District Rahim Yar Khan Education Budget and Data: Issues and Inferences
Using the education data and budget analysis as a tool to improve spending in education sector, the study is aimed at providing evidence-base on budget spending practices to generate informed debate on education financing in District Rahim Yar Khan.
Private Sector Education in Pakistan: Mapping and Musing
This study examines the state and growth of private education in Pakistan between 1999-2000 and 2007-08.
Some data covers the period up to 2010. The analysis focuses on issues and challenges that emanate from its size and growth, diversity in the private provision of education, financing, quality of teaching and learning, public-private partnerships and regulation. The purpose of the study is to highlight important existing and emerging issues in the private education which call for an informed debate and policy response.
Public Expenditure Tracking and Service Delivery Assessment of Primary and Elementary Schools: Districts Chakwal and Rawalpindi
Benefiting from Public Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETs), as a tool, the study presents an assessment of public finance and service delivery of education sector in two districts of the Punjab province namely Rawalpindi and Chakwal.
The assessment process included analysis of education budgets and data in districts, a service delivery survey and a beneficiary assessment survey. The study was carried-out to assess the issues related to quality, transparency; efficiency and equity of education service especially school council funds and teachers’ presence. The evidence-base thus generated will be used to undertake advocacy, raise awareness and to identify better policy options for informing policy community.
Education Budget Analysis: Five Districts of Southern Punjab
The analysis is mainly aimed at providing evidence-base to development partners about the education budget related issues along with the agenda for effective advocacy to deal with these issues.
This study contains detailed analyses and findings of the educational data and budget of select districts from southern Punjab, namely, Multan, Muzaffargarh, Rahim Yar Khan, Jhang and Ranjapur. The study informs that disconnect between education data and budgetary allocation provokes serious issues of access and equity in education sector. This state of affairs can be attributed largely to capacity deficit among district officials, lack of knowledge and involvement of civil society and citizens in the budgetary process and missing demand for improving transparency and accountability of the system.
Gender in Education: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Assessment
Using Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) methodology for a nation wide survey, the study provides assessment, findings and recommendations for mainstreaming gender perspective in education planning and management.
The assessment was carried out at federal, provincial and district levels with education policy makers and education managers, curriculum developers and textbook writers as well as head teachers and teachers of both public and private sector schools. The assessment highlights gaps in the existing knowledge, attitude and practices of education policy makers and implementers with reference to gender in education. Based on the findings of this assessment a number of recommendations have been provided along with a capacity building plan. The recommendations have been provided to create enabling environment, brining improvement at organizational level and enhancing capacities at the individual level.
The State of School Councils (SCs) in the Punjab: A Baseline Study of Community Participation in School Management
The baseline study is aimed at examining the manner and extent to which the School Councils (SCs) in the Punjab are performing their roles and functions, identify those obstacles and capacity gaps which limit their effectiveness, and suggest interventions for improving their performance. With this end in view, the study is geared towards the development of a set of baseline indicators to help track the performance of the SCs.
Public Financing of Education in Pakistan: Analysis of Federal and Provincial Budgets (2009)
This study concentrates on the federal and provincial education budgets’ in depth analysis over a period of three years.
It provides revealing insights about similarities and differences in the budgetary priorities, shows emerging trends and their possible implications for access and quality, and identifies the weak linkages among budgetary decisions, education policy, and the actual needs. The issues that emerge from the analysis are far more numerous and challenging than what the earlier works and common knowledge have traditionally stressed upon. It is hoped that the study would be helpful in articulating the demand for adequate policy response to those aspects of education finance which have limited its relevance to the educational challenge.
Promoting Transparency and Access to Information in Education in District Haripur(2009)
The study offers important insights in education planning and management at the district level. District Haripur of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province has been taken as case for this study to analyize and highlight issues in education planning, data and financing. It also highlights issues of transparency and accountability with reference to citizens’ right to education.

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