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Disaster Risk Management

Policy Advice & Policy Dialogues

National & Provincial Consultations on Award of Compensation to Civilian Victims of Terrorism and Conflict: (OSI)


I-SAPS recently in collaboration with OSI has organised four (04) provincial and a national-level consultations with an objective to engage government and civil society in a meaningful debate and generate demand for system improvement in order to respond to the issues faced by the civilian victims of terrorism in accessing compensation.


Policy Dialogue on Floods 2010: Governance Issues in Disaster Risk Management; ActionAid Pakistan:


The policy dialogue focused on legal, institutional and financial issues in management of Floods 2010 in Pakistan. The activity highlighted a number of issues which are indicative of serious governance challenges in the existing national disaster risk management and merits serious consideration from all the stakeholders. 

The activities under this initiative included preparation of policy briefs on Legal and Institutional Issues in DRM, Challenges in Financing of DRM and Administrative issues in implementation of DRM policies. The research was followed by a policy dialogue with the key stakeholders.


Advocacy for Disaster Risk Management Legislation:


The national law on disaster management lapsed in March 2010 (28-03-2010) raising legal questions on the working of national and provincial disaster management authorities.

Amid all the activities for relief and rehabilitation there was oblivion on legal and policy vacuum for disaster management and instead of addressing this legal lacuna the policy makers were busy toying with the ideas of formation of politically motivated independent commissions and oversight councils only to marginalize the existing mechanisms of disaster management. I-SAPS initiated a vigorous advocacy campaign to highlight the absence of a legal framework for national disaster risk management, which included vigorous interaction with the print and electronic media and policy engagement with civil society groups.


Policy Engagement for Disaster Risk Management (DRM): (UNDP/NDMA):


Realizing the need for engaging the policy makers, parliamentarians, representatives of political parties and civil society in the policy discourse for improved disaster risk management, I-SAPS conducted a series of policy dialogues in collaboration with the UNDP and National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) under One UN Disaster Risk Management Joint Programme. 

The policy dialogues were aimed at sensitizing the parliamentarians and civil society organization in order to engage them in the policy discourse to improve institutional mechanism for disaster management. The activities under this initiative include: preparation of policy briefs and presentations; organization of policy dialogues at federal and provincial capitals and provision of follow-up technical assistance to parliamentarians


Climate Change: Effectiveness of Public Spending and Policies:


A seminar was organized by I-SAPS on “Climate Change: Effectiveness of Public Spending and Policies” on May 22, 2008. The seminar was organized to sensitize participants on climate change and related issues, with a particular focus on public policies, public spending, and energy. 

The speakers and the discussants of the dialogue discussed effectiveness of public spending on environment and climate change, public policies on environment, and implication of energy consumption patterns on climate change. 

Contact for more information

Tel: +92-51-111-739-739
Fax: +92-51-2825336
