Policy Dialogues & Policy Advice
I-SAPS organizes policy dialogues and provides policy advice across a broad spectrum of areas. The underlying motivation is to strengthen the political process, which has moved away from serious policy debate on how to solve the myriad of social, economic and political problems calling for immediate attention. I-SAPS brings together policymakers, parliamentarians, interest groups, government officials, academia, civil society, professional associations and private sector to stimulate discussion on critical policy issues and inform the decisions that condition the daily lives of people in Pakistan.
We place great emphasis on designing policy dialogues and advice in a way that help the policymakers think strategically, engage stakeholders and specify policy outcomes. It provides a platform where the stakeholders come up with different policy options that will work.
While keeping itself non-partisan, the Institute particularly engages political parties in discussions and debates on development challenges.

Contact for more information
policyadvice@i-saps.org Tel: +92-51-111-739-739
Fax: +92-51-2825336